Friday, April 27, 2007

Change of direction

I've been filling my shop more recently with art work, which is a slight change in direction for myself! I am contemplating changing the name of my Etsy store from Alicub Cards to something else.......haven't decided what though! Comment here if you've any suggestions otherwise it will end up being something really creative like..........Alicub Cards & Art!

These are the art works I've listed so far

Sunday, April 15, 2007

10 things about me

I must thank SakuraFubukiDesigns for 'tagging' me! I have not yet tagged anyone else to complete there '10 things about me' list. So, if you wanna be tagged comment and let me know!

Ok! Where to begin? I have actually found this really difficult! I want to be all witty and interesting but sadly I am not . Although, I do tend to waffle a bit.....Sorry.

Anyway here are 10
things you probably don't know about me........

1 I once had an unexplained limp for about six weeks! Aged about six I started limping, numerous trips to the doctors and hospital but no-one could explain it. My parents thought I was faking it and spied on me at to catch me out.....little did they realise how good an actress I was. One day, I got bored and stopped :D

2 I had shingles as a child aged about seven. They hurt like hell! Very uncommon amongst youngsters as associated with stress! (little bit of a worrier was I) I vividly recall being taken into school by my Mum to pick up some work to do at home and the teacher making me lift up my blouse (and vest of course!) to show the whole class my scabby back!!!!!! I still blush thinking about it.

3 I am a fussy eater! The only meat I eat is chicken (only hot)and bacon (got to be burnt
to a crisp) I don't like boiled veg only steamed, I hate fish, I don't like sauce.......I could go on. I do however love cheese! Nothing fancy just a nice mature cheddar :D I have had cheese sandwiches (no margarine thanks) for lunch nearly everyday of my life..............

4 The love of cheese may also explain fact no. 4. I have odd dreams. The most memorable being just recently.......

I dreamt I was really tired whilst trying to feed a gold fish. You know the sort of tired when
you just can't keep your eyes open. My head was resting on the edge of the goldfish bowl as it was simply to heavy to move. The fish decided to bite down hard on my nose, huge razor sharp teeth sunk deep into the flesh and all I could do was lye there. I managed to lift my arm and grab the goldfish either side of his mouth but, didn't have the energy to squeeze his clamped jaw open! So, I spent the rest of the dream with a fish attached to my nose!

5 I met my husband Paul at work. Went on a date and one month later we moved in together! On our three month anniversary he proposed with a Haribo jelly ring ( I still have it all hard and covered in fluff)
6 The first present Paul ever bought me was a Zorbing experience! It's basically a huge inflatable Hamster wheel, they strap you in and push you down a hill.............Never felt so ill in all my life! It took about two days for my brain to stop rattling around but, at least I didn't vomit............Paul kept that for himself :D

7 I am currently addicted to Guitar Heroes on the Xbox 360 at which I am poo! But please note the look of shear concentration on my face!!!!

8 I have still not decided what I want to do when I grow up! Perhaps librarian or florist. Or, maybe even a lorry driver like long distance Clara!

9 I love films! We have a DVD library of about 400 films................I like horror, comedy, thriller, allsorts! My real faves though are Marilyn Monroe films especially 'Gentlemen Prefer Blondes' I love it...................

10 Last but not least but, definitely most embarrassing! I still bite my nails. Nothing wrong with that you think? Well there is when it's your feet too :D

Friday, April 13, 2007

Concrete..........An unusual obsession!

For about nine years I have obsessed with painting buildings! I love them. Not just any buildings though, I prefer nice big concrete structures! Good old grey, concrete..........ugly to most but, I think they are beautiful.

I was truly inspired when I learnt of Le Corbusier. I think the buildings he designed are stunning.

The tiny rows of windows, the solidness of the exterior........I love it! You know those huge council built blocks of flats.....ugly? Never! Next time take another look they are secretly a work of art.....

This one is inspiring for the many angles, the colours used and the different perspectives it creates. This influence can easily be seen in my work!

This is an original acrylic painting that is available in my Etsy store. I have also made a similar painting and added it to my greetings cards. This idea came from fellow Etsy artist Memake She saw a painting on Flickr and suggested I try it on my cards..........Thank you Memake.

Sunday, April 08, 2007


In honour of this lovely, beautiful and sunny weekend I created this treasury on Etsy

The items chosen remind me of long lazy summer days and make me smile! The sellers items featured are from the following talented artists from Etsy
Flowering Photography, Art of Andrew Daniel, Calobee
Organic Rhapsody, Norah62, Honeybeedz
Buden Art, Galerie Illuminata, TT Jewelry by Christine
Brooklyn Butterfly, Karizmadesigns, Crimson Orchid

Monday, April 02, 2007

A Few More favourites.....UK SALE!

Well it's early on day two of the ETSY sale and I thought I would show off some more of my favourite items.

These amazing gloves are by KnitHappens. They are special little gloves called 'Morkers' as they are inspired by that great TV show 'Mork and Mindy'. They are great fun, who could resist those colours!

Knithappens sells a wide variety of gloves from traditional to fingerless to morkers! All this week she is offering free worldwide shipping so pop in and browse!

Another person who is handy with a pair of knitting needles is Memake

This adorable bag has been lovingly knitted with soft Rowan cotton then adorned with ribbon and buttons.

Memake has a wide range of items in her store not all knitted goods either. She sells everything from bags & purses, jewellery and homewares. During sale week she is knidly offering a free gift to each buyer!

Sunday, April 01, 2007

First day of sale!

It's been a great start to the sale all round :)I have sold a set of cards and bought a stunnning necklace from fellow Etsy seller Gillyflower

She is currently offering free shipping on all items in her shop. Some real gems are to be found inside so go and take a peek.......

If you have a slightly darker sense of humour and are after something fun and gorgeous may I recommend The Devils Wallpaper

She has prints, fine art and dolls for sale and for the sale week she is offering 10% off all purchases. Take for example this 'Flying Butt Monkey Art Doll' it's great!

There really is something for everyone.............For the most up to date list of sale participants and information check out the UK Etsy Sale Thread